Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tenebre: In Everything Give Thanks

Tenebre hail from San Fransisco and play in the style of Ghosts and Vodka/Don Cab. One thing that sets Tenebre apart from this mold is the use of upright bass. As an upright bass player myself, I was skeptical of this being used in this type of music but I feel that it compliments the tappy guitar parts very well. They don't seem to be too active these days, but apparently they released a 12" this summer that you can buy here.

Listen Here

Welcome to Twinkly Shit: The blog for noodles and twinkly dinkly shit

Hi all! I started this blog in honor of all bands that feature the characteristics mentioned above. There are numerous screamo/hardcore/postrock blogs that may feature similar bands, but I figured it was time to honor this tiny niche of music by itself. Hopefully I will get some input from other bloggers soon. Stay tuned.